How We Deliver Planning Services




...are designed to gain clarity about what is truly important to you, understanding your current situation, and your hopes and dreams for the future. Then we analyze, test and design custom strategies to help you pursue your objectives. We help you get your financial affairs in order. We assist you to take action when timely opportunities occur, adjust your plan as needed and help you keep your affairs up to date and in order.  Our number one objective is to provide you greater confidence and joy in your decision-making and financial future.

Comprehensive Planning Services Offered Include:

  • Assist You in Identifying and Gaining Clarity about Personal Beliefs and Values
  • Education Funding – Needs Projections and Strategies
  • Retirement Income Planning/ Employee Benefits Pre/Post Retirement
  • Estate Planning
  • Establish Customized Client Website/Financial Net Worth, Asset Allocation, Liabilities, Spending Information, Secure Document Sharing and Storage, etc.   (Your account values are aggregated/updated daily & available to you 24/7.)
  • Goal Setting and Tracking Progress
  • Cash Management/Emergency Funds/Liquidity Needs
  • Spending Plan to Sustain Your Desired Lifestyle
  • Cash Flow Projections
  • Assessment/Integration of Employee Benefits into Your Personal Plan
  • Update Spending Needs and Income Sources Annually
  • Review of Tax Returns
  • Tax Strategies, Saving Strategies and Opportunities
  • Investment Review and Planning Opportunities
  • Asset Allocation Picture of All of Your Investment Accounts 
  • Portfolio Asset Allocation Recommendations
  • Investment Portfolio Rebalancing Advice
  • Effective Wealth Transfer/Preparing Heirs/Protecting Assets from Creditors, Divorce and/or Lawsuits
  • Legal Document Review/Will, Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts (to ensure they are aligned with asset ownership, beneficiaries and objectives)
  • Communicate/Coordinate/Update Planning & Implementation with Other Professional Advisors
  • Family Communication Regarding Generational Planning
  • Charitable Giving Strategies /Tax-Efficient Giving/Coordination with Overall Plan
  • Risk Assessment and Personal Disability, Long Term Care and Life Insurance Review/Needs Analysis
  • Plan for Incapacity and Long-Term Care Needs       

 'Stress -Test' Your Plan Regarding the Impact of Events Such As:

  • Higher Inflation
  • Higher Taxes
  • Future Medical or Long Term Care Expenses
  • Prolonged Bear Market
  • Premature Death
  • Disability/Loss of Income
  • Other Actions You are Contemplating to Determine Impact on Overall Plan

Fees for Comprehensive Planning Advisory Services

  • Based upon complexity, a flat fee, agreed upon in advance, for:
    • Comprehensive Plan
    • Focused Planning Issue
    • Update of Your Plan

Method of Providing Services

  • Initial feasibility consultation
  • Engagement proposal and agreement
  • Discovery meeting to determine what is important and why
  • Gathering and organizing important data and facts - obtain accurate snapshot
  • Analyze, research, collaborate with our resource associates (as needed) and design strategies and options 
  • Written analysis, comments & recommendations
  • Provide implementation assistance and/or oversight
  • Additional meetings/consultations as needed
  • Recommend other professional advisors as needed
  • Collaborate With other professional advisors as needed
  • Maintain Your customized client website - accessible to you 24/7
  • Provide monitoring, updates, recognition of new opportunities and implementation on an ongoing basis

We work with you to Update Your Plan to Accommodate Changes in Life/Economy/Tax Law

  • Change in Job or Career/Income
  • Relocation or Change in Residence
  • Births/Adoptions/Marriages/Divorces
  • Health Changes/Chronic or Terminal
  • Selection/Preparation of Successor Responsible Parties